Most frequent questions and answers

Yes it is and it rocks!!! It is the same game you remember with the big, bouncy, wonderful blue ball only now we can drink beer while playing!!! The rules are now organized and the competition is FIERCE!!!! Everyone wants to win a trophy, drink beer and have fun!!! Let’s play!

  • You need to firstly read and understand all the rules of the B-Town Kickball. They are included on this site.
  • Then you need to fill your roster with as few as 9 players or as many as 20 players. Remember that at least 4 players must be female.
  • You must then come up with a kickass team name

Spring Season will begin 4/3/25
Summer Season will begin 6/5/25
Fall Season will begin 9/4/25

The games will be played in parks paid for and reserved by B-Town Kickball in Bloomington. They will be at Olcott Park. Click here for a map.

The final schedule will be out after the deadline for team registration has passed. 

Yes, you can! We are a very social group of people who are always looking for new members. The best thing to do if you are looking for a team to join is to register by clicking here

You can contact Brett Lato directly at anytime if you have questions or need help getting a team together. My contact info is all over this site!!!

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